Friday, December 17, 2010

Really Star Wars Family?

Star Wars family

OK, let's dissect this for a second.  We got a pregnant Han Solo.  Do I even need to continue?  Fine, I will.  Darth has brown hair down to HER shoulders and I have no idea what the dude in the leather with the lightsaber is doing, but I am guessing there is an S&M party he is late for.  Also, thanks for showing up uncle Steve A.K.A "guy with a beer and an A's hat".  I mean what?  I get that you are fans, but come on...pregnant Han!  George Lucas rolled over in his grave nine times and he isn't even dead yet.  And for eff's sake uncle Steve I know you are an A's fan, but throw on a Chewbacca mask or something.  The only one I actually like here is the weird little dude with the yoda hat on, b/c yoda was a weird little dude and this kid clearly does not want to be in the picture.  And kudos to the other little dude who is clearly taking this seriously, you are going to live a long and probably sad life.  Maybe uncle Steve is the only normal one in this whole family.  Guy just said eff it, I'm getting hammered...speaking of which.

xoxoxo Darth


  1. The guy in the background with the hood and the rape face...

    I think he's coming for us as soon as he's done with that family.

  2. Hahaha, love your comments, and you didn't even cover everyone in the picture yet. :)
    Agree with above, the guy in the hood is quite scary indeed, the rest probably don't even know him and he just dropped by to photobomb. Uncle & aunt probably aren't even playing dressup, they walk around looking like this every normal day. Oh, and I *love* how Han Solo is combining his comfy slippers with a spandex legging and a *huge* smile. _o_
