Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Worst Star Wars Costumes Ever?

As a huge Star Wars fan myself, I love to see people dressed up for Halloween in awesome Star Wars costumes. Of course, sometimes a rather hefty fella puts on a Stormtrooper costume or a bald guy tries to be Luke, and while we respect them for trying, we get a laugh at their expense. At least those people look remotely like the Star Wars characters they are trying to be, this picture is just a complete disaster.

First of all, R2-D2 is just a trash can with an R2-D2 sign on the front. That's pretty awful, but to be fair, R2-D2 isn't easy to recreate. Bottom line, on Halloween, anytime you have to make a big sign to wear on the front of your costume that tells everyone what you are, your costume needs a redesign.

Over on the lower right, we have what I believe is Jabba? This costume would be just as good if he were going as a shrubbery, Oscar the Grouch, The Grinch, Shrek or even Gumbi. Just a shocking lack of effort here to even approach looking like Jabba, and for a while I thought he was Yoda. 

That is until I saw Robin Hood Yoda over there on the lower left. Hes got the walking stick, the green body and the brown shawl thing, but would it kill him to slap on some facepaint? A little green facepaint and this probably wouldn't be the worst Yoda costume of all time. 

The guy in the back in the black is supposed to be Darth Vader? It looks like he just bought a Ninja costume and decided not to worry about minor details like a cape, helmet or chest panel. If he separated from the group and  you had to guess what he was, I think Darth Vader would be guess 250 or so, at best. 

C3PO just looks like one of the Knights of the Round Table with a C3PO sign on him. Would it have been too much to ask for him to wear a gold t-shirt instead of blue? Or possibly spray paint his cardboard body parts gold? 

You have got to hand it to Leia, she actually sort of looks like Leia, minus the ridiculously small lightsaber, and the fact that it is red and she is not a Sith. I also don't recall Leia wearing comfortable walking sneakers in The Empire Strikes Back, but that is a minor nitpick here.
I really wish I had seen this group out on Halloween and had a few minutes to ask some questions about their thinking here. Who decided Star Wars theme? Why did they wait until 15 minutes before the party to tell everyone what costume to put together? Who carries R2-D2 around all night? Why does Jabba have sunglasses and a moustache? So many unanswered questions...

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